“When someone you love becomes a memory, the memory becomes a treasure”
How true, we never realize it as it’s hard to believe. Living in a mortal world we all know we will die one day, but just can’t believe until we lose someone close.
This blog is dedicated to my dearest and dear most grandmother (‘Gia’ as we called her) left for her heavenly abode on the 27 Dec. 09. I pray her soul rests in peace.
Just came back from her mourning a week back, I miss her immensely, just can’t believe she is not there. I still feel when I go back home I will see her, things will be normal again. If you have lost someone so dear to your heart, it’s difficult to believe that you have actually lost them…….. It’s so difficult to let things go…. I am trying but I guess I just can’t.
We (me and my little brother) have been very close to our grandmother, may be more than our parents, and may be because we spent most of our time with her. Our childhood memories are full of her. My home feels so incomplete without her. It just doesn’t feel right, there is no one to say bye to and hug and comfort that I will be back soon. I miss her blessings as if she has been living to see you grow up and do well in everything. I don’t know where to start, what to write, there are just too many things about her. I feel her all around me, all I have to do is to close my eyes – she is just there…… smiling at me, laughing, walking….
We called her ‘Gia’, don’t know why we called her that as it was so uncommon but as we grew older it started making sense to us. ‘Gia’ means ‘heart’ (in hindi), may be meaning someone very close to heart. So true to her name, she was very well close to us all. She has been our best buddy as long as I can remember. We troubled her with our pranks but she always doted on us way more than her own children. We have been so lucky to have her as our grandmother; she was the best, more than best I guess a perfect grandmother. During schooldays, I remember she used to wait till we came back from school and then have lunch until we were done. My brother being a disaster, he never used to finish lunch until Gia fed him herself…. Man she used to literally run after him for lunch. Believe me you can’t imagine how beautiful it was – selfless emotion so unique and pure in itself.
It was a beautiful relation we had with her, she pampered us and we pampered her. We introduced her to the world of Maggie, coke, chocolates….. and she loved chocolates. She was always cheerful, full of life, full time chatter box, always curious, but was very particular of our studies…. She never disturbed us when we studied. She used to be always on our side and protected us from the angry young man (dad of course). Sleeping in her cozy bed was always a delight and her bed time stories were just awesome. She used to tell us her childhood stories, abt her parents, their home, her siblings, her married life, kids and then us. We might have heard them like a million time but we never got enough of them. All over the night she used to keep covering us so that we don’t feel cold, I always wondered did she ever sleep at night.
This June she fell sick and suddenly she got old. Age starts showing on her… it was just hard to believe she had grown old. She stopped talking much, moving much, eating much and her memory was limited, she could remember only something for only some time. Now that she is not with us, we miss her. I just wish I had some more time to love her and take care of her. I can’t seem to get enough of her, all I wanted is a little more time, wish I could see her once more for the last time…….
May your soul rest in peace - Love you and miss you so much ‘Gia’