The decade of 2000 is coming to an end….I just can’t believe it’s getting over. This decade has a special significance in my life, as it began with setting me free. I was like a bird that had just left the coziness of her home. I can still relate to that feeling when I was leaving, some mixed feelings – happy but gloomy, excited but some unknown apprehensions. From the time I had my senses, I somehow knew that I will be an engineer and I was moving a step closer to my dream. I knew dreaming is so easy, but didn’t know it comes with its own share of efforts and risks that might turn out to be a success or failure. So the beginning of this decade was a beginning of a new chapter in my life…..a chapter full of dreams, passions, explorations…….
As this era is coming to an end, my head feels great to see all the achievements, findings, wisdom I gained over these crucial years of my life and I’m looking forward to the next level in the new decade. Lots of lessons learnt, moments to cherish, accomplishments to celebrate, failures to remember, and tons of thoughts to put in but I don’t know where to start. The crux of all the things I have seen over the last 10 years is that if you really want something in life you will get it. You might get surprised when God decides to give you more than you wanted and the funny thing is even when you get it, you will be thinking what next…… This has happened to me many times; I wanted to be an engineer, and when I became one I was like, but there is so much more to learn. I so wanted to get into IIT, but when I was in, I was like that’s ok but what next? It’s like as soon as you achieve a goal, your mind has already set some new goals.
I was always fascinated with research, so when I got into the kind of place I was looking for, it’s a great feeling. Time just flies when you are working…. Fridays and Mondays are all you count and then months, years go by. Especially, if you love what you are doing. It’s a new concept of R&D, a new dimension to research…. It’s not a fruitless research, its smart work, an element of research with market analysis, business development and a great deal of project management..... makes it a deadly combination. Moreover, solving problems with people from different backgrounds in the same room and troubleshooting the problem is just mind blowing. You will actually be surprised to see how efficiently a problem disappears and a solution appears. I mean just a different perspective on the problem solves it, it’s really incredible. I’m amazed as to how a single problem can be solved in ‘n’ number of ways. The working generation of today is very comfortable with brainstorming sessions, I personally love these sessions. It’s phenomenal to see people from different backgrounds coming together and solving a problem. I mean literally putting their heads together to solve a common problem. I have seen problems getting solved in just a few seconds, if not solved at least we know it’s not a dead end, there are many ways out there to try out. Seeing everyone in the group having a different perspective is very exciting. It always gives you more alternatives to look for. I love the power of brain storming and I surely love the energy it brings in with it.
I have always loved what I do but there are times when I get frustrated, times when I want to give up, times when everything goes wrong, but I just manage to gear up strength and decide to fight back, and once I have decided I fight back hard, there is no looking back. Believe me nothing is impossible in life as long as you don’t give up. Life will never be easy you will just have to keep fighting and find your way. I remember a poem I read in school “be like a stream of water that is never scared of heights or obstructions on the way, it just makes its own way to reach the destination”
So true…..
So everybody out there, don’t be afraid to do something new, different and exploit all your hobbies… all that you always wanted to do but could not, due to something or the other. Life is very short, so exploit everything, every hobby, and even craft some new ones………. make it an adventure. I have come so far only because I was never afraid of trying something new, something different and I feel contented when I look back………….
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Friday, November 26, 2010
Thoughts,Thoughts & more Confused Thoughts!!!!
A small thought triggers a train of thoughts….. It’s rightly said a female’s brain is full of complexities. True very true, and why not, she has so much to worry about. So many things in her head, too much to manage and create a balance among all the people she loves or cares for. For the woman of today, she has to manage a career, love, life and the most challenging part - managing people, their thoughts, pleasing everyone around… that is really a tough task. There is a thin line between good and bad thoughts. Ideally there shouldn’t be any difference as these thoughts come from our head. But there are some things we don’t want to think about ever, and we want to live some thoughts again and again.
No matter how hard you try, stupid things come back to you in life. No matter how much you want to forget certain things in life, they still haunt you. Every one commits mistakes; everyone fails at one point or the other….. But life doesn’t stop, it moves on and on. And for once when we think we have got over it, just then it comes back and makes you realize that it’s not over :( why do we have such movements…. Why can’t the past decently burry itself, why does it have to come back and bite you there, where it hurts the most…..
I know life’s not fair, it never was. When we have everything, when we are happy, focused and when we have made up my mind and we know what we want……… why do decisions still flicker? Why do we need to think again? Why do we always weigh the right and wrong of things? Why do we have conflicting thoughts? Why do we at times fight with our own thoughts…… why can’t we decide or be firm on certain things when we know exactly what we want?
What does it mean – “I have everything but I’m not happy?” Is there something like that. Are people really happy when they say so or when they look happy? I’m not sure……………even if your future looks bright…certain things might surprise, shock, stun or sadden you. You may want to go back in time and change what you did? But why, you wanted all that…. Why are we so confused? Why do we want something so badly and then decide otherwise? Why does it happen? What are we thinking or why do we think so much? Why do we keep cribbing/ whining? Why can’t we be happy with what we have? Why don’t we feel good about simple things in life? Why do we unnecessarily complicate things in our life? I guess it has become a way of life….. nobody wants to take a chance, I mean why take a chance… everyone wants to be sure…..sure of what they have…..and they keep planning and planning…….but how much can you plan? Is everything in our hands? No…..we don’t live in a no man’s land.
Hey, don’t get upset after reading the blog. I know most of you have these thoughts every day. I’m just trying to clear out some thoughts in my head as Joe’s says “I’m organizing my thoughts.” :)
No matter how hard you try, stupid things come back to you in life. No matter how much you want to forget certain things in life, they still haunt you. Every one commits mistakes; everyone fails at one point or the other….. But life doesn’t stop, it moves on and on. And for once when we think we have got over it, just then it comes back and makes you realize that it’s not over :( why do we have such movements…. Why can’t the past decently burry itself, why does it have to come back and bite you there, where it hurts the most…..
I know life’s not fair, it never was. When we have everything, when we are happy, focused and when we have made up my mind and we know what we want……… why do decisions still flicker? Why do we need to think again? Why do we always weigh the right and wrong of things? Why do we have conflicting thoughts? Why do we at times fight with our own thoughts…… why can’t we decide or be firm on certain things when we know exactly what we want?
What does it mean – “I have everything but I’m not happy?” Is there something like that. Are people really happy when they say so or when they look happy? I’m not sure……………even if your future looks bright…certain things might surprise, shock, stun or sadden you. You may want to go back in time and change what you did? But why, you wanted all that…. Why are we so confused? Why do we want something so badly and then decide otherwise? Why does it happen? What are we thinking or why do we think so much? Why do we keep cribbing/ whining? Why can’t we be happy with what we have? Why don’t we feel good about simple things in life? Why do we unnecessarily complicate things in our life? I guess it has become a way of life….. nobody wants to take a chance, I mean why take a chance… everyone wants to be sure…..sure of what they have…..and they keep planning and planning…….but how much can you plan? Is everything in our hands? No…..we don’t live in a no man’s land.
Hey, don’t get upset after reading the blog. I know most of you have these thoughts every day. I’m just trying to clear out some thoughts in my head as Joe’s says “I’m organizing my thoughts.” :)
Monday, November 15, 2010
My Madly MAIDly Woes!!!!
You might think it’s such a silly topic to write about, but it’s not. Ask all the ladies in the house, they will tell you how miserable life becomes when your maid (or bai as we call her here) doesn’t turn up on time or she misses a day. I am sure you all will concur with me about the importance of a bai. I already have a full fledged blog dedicated to a bai. :D
I had attended a “Hasya Kavi Samelan” when I was in IIT and the famous poet ‘Surinder Sharma’ said something like “a wife will compromise with anyone be it a sabziwala, or shopkeeper, or watchman, or cleaner and the most important of all the “bai” but she will never compromise with her husband”. As uncanny as it sounds, I guess it’s true.
We all are so set in our ways these days and are highly dependent on our bai’s schedule that we manage ours with her. Even if you pay her well, feed her well, and support her well….there will still be no end to your worries. All you think before going to bed is “will she come tomorrow?”, “will she come on time?”, and “will she finish her work before 9 “….. and it goes on and on…..And if you happen to be a cleanliness freak, then your life will surely be miserable. No matter how good or bad your bai is.
I have been in Pune for almost 2 yrs now and I might have changed 4-5 bai’s till now. Some work well, some have time issues, some don’t come every day……and the worst of all; they will ditch you when you need them the most. I have realized it whenever my parents or friends visit me, my bai goes berserk. She will just decide to either go sick or will have urgent family issues to attend to.
When you will want her to clean properly and even if you are actually working with her she will be in a hurry to rush things. Other times when you are in a hurry to rush to office she will try and clean every nook of your place. You can imagine how irritating it is…….and that too if you have an important meeting to attend to. Plus if you have an encounter with your bai early morning, all the frustration/ stress flows in your work routine. But isn’t it that we all have a bai to help us with a lot of things so that we can relax and have a bit stress free life…. … but is that so…….. the answer is a big fat NO.
Even if you try and understand her issues and are sympathetic, it will never work…… I guess we all have a lot of worries of our own. I’m most of the times managing 1 million things in my life and I surely don’t get paid to do everything even if I do everything perfect (may be some almost perfect). Life is funny….As a kid our parents always told us ‘Do good and you will have good’…………. These sayings don’t work in today’s world, especially when it comes to a bai.
I know some of you must be thinking I’m crazy as I am writing about it, but I’m having a tough time with my bai these days so I just wanted to vent it out.
I had attended a “Hasya Kavi Samelan” when I was in IIT and the famous poet ‘Surinder Sharma’ said something like “a wife will compromise with anyone be it a sabziwala, or shopkeeper, or watchman, or cleaner and the most important of all the “bai” but she will never compromise with her husband”. As uncanny as it sounds, I guess it’s true.
We all are so set in our ways these days and are highly dependent on our bai’s schedule that we manage ours with her. Even if you pay her well, feed her well, and support her well….there will still be no end to your worries. All you think before going to bed is “will she come tomorrow?”, “will she come on time?”, and “will she finish her work before 9 “….. and it goes on and on…..And if you happen to be a cleanliness freak, then your life will surely be miserable. No matter how good or bad your bai is.
I have been in Pune for almost 2 yrs now and I might have changed 4-5 bai’s till now. Some work well, some have time issues, some don’t come every day……and the worst of all; they will ditch you when you need them the most. I have realized it whenever my parents or friends visit me, my bai goes berserk. She will just decide to either go sick or will have urgent family issues to attend to.
When you will want her to clean properly and even if you are actually working with her she will be in a hurry to rush things. Other times when you are in a hurry to rush to office she will try and clean every nook of your place. You can imagine how irritating it is…….and that too if you have an important meeting to attend to. Plus if you have an encounter with your bai early morning, all the frustration/ stress flows in your work routine. But isn’t it that we all have a bai to help us with a lot of things so that we can relax and have a bit stress free life…. … but is that so…….. the answer is a big fat NO.
Even if you try and understand her issues and are sympathetic, it will never work…… I guess we all have a lot of worries of our own. I’m most of the times managing 1 million things in my life and I surely don’t get paid to do everything even if I do everything perfect (may be some almost perfect). Life is funny….As a kid our parents always told us ‘Do good and you will have good’…………. These sayings don’t work in today’s world, especially when it comes to a bai.
I know some of you must be thinking I’m crazy as I am writing about it, but I’m having a tough time with my bai these days so I just wanted to vent it out.
Monday, October 11, 2010
Konkan Calling Again!!! - Part III

Once again a beautiful sunrise to wake us up. We soaked in all the energy as it was a long day……. grabbed some delicious upma for breakfast and left for Vijaydurg. Vijaydurg has a very famous fort that is 800 years old. You might be thinking there would be only some remains left now, but you will be surprised to see the whole fort. It is a wonderful fort on the shoreline of Arabian Sea, and is surrounded by water on three sides. It stands still with all the glory that it has seen over all these years. Our guide gave us a lot of history lessons about this place; I can hardly recollect all but some facts were just awesome. What engineering, architecture, strategy and planning of the whole fort!!! I was stunned. The fort had everything from rain-water harvesting to food grain storage to ammunition storage. It also had an administration wing, entertainment wing, conference rooms, officer’s quarters, horse stables, hidden passages and temples. The fort has 27 bastions including some attacking bastions. Their attacking strategy and security planning just amazed us. Their planning tools and the fore-sightedness was just remarkable. I’m amazed and sad at the same time because many of us have not even heard about this place. I don’t know why the government or any concerned agency is not talking enough steps to promote and preserve such rich heritage that we should be proud of.
Sitting near the flag post you can clearly see the beautiful sea and at the same time keep a watch on most of the doors. The architecture of the place is just awesome. Everything is well done, arches, pillars, etc. It was very interesting to know the way arches are made as there is no support for the arch. So our guide told us that they made some kind of grooves in what is called a “key stone” as it holds all the stones in the arch. Its unbelievable how advanced and intelligent architects would have been those, with such a limited expertise and resources, it’s just incredible.
The whole trip to the fort was just phenomenal. Just near the fort as we came out, there was an old ship dockyard so we went to have a look. As soon as I saw it I was wondering how marine corrosion would have affected it over the years… (I guess that’s what research does to you, you think so much about the influence of the surroundings… all I could think about was the marine environment and its effect on the MOC (material of construction) of the ship… this environment had all deadly combinations for corrosion to eat away all the metal. :)
While coming back from the fort we visited one of the oldest temple known as “Rameshwar temple”, it’s relatively more than 800 years old. It was a downhill walk on very old stones for stairs. It was an experience in itself as we going in such an ancient temple. As you enter the premises of the temple there were lamp stags. Once you enter the temple could see the old wooden pillars on which the whole temple roof rested. These beautiful pillars had gorgeous designs, colors, and arches… The outer walls of the temple had paintings that portrayed some old mythological stories, the story of evil versus good…… mighty Gods fighting the demons….. Even if some paints were distorted or damaged, I was wondering as to what colors they had used that could last so long….. Why didn’t it get washed away over all these years?
Going back home from the temple was a long drive and we were literally starving….. So as soon as we reached home we were served with delicious lunch…….. :) Today’s lunch was special as Mr. Loke cooked it himself….and it was delicious fish varieties… yummy. Lunch had some fried fish “Tambosi” and a richer malvani fish curry of “Saundala”. It was just too delicious as I couldn’t stop eating. The fried fish had like a thousand thorns but it was obviously extremely tastier: P After having a delicious lunch we went to rest for a while and then proceeded to the “mithbav” beach again to see sunset ;) but this time we decided no cameras, no shell collecting and just relaxing and walking on the beach…….
It was slight breeze along with the melodious sound of waves in the sea that had a calming effect. It had a rejuvenating effect on all the souls in the world. It’s strange as these soothing waves also have a massive power of destroying everything…….. Nature has amazing wonderings and secrets of its own….. I’m so speechless to describe the beauty of the beach in the late evening when, all I am doing is lying down on the beach or taking a long quite walk on the beach. And the only thing that gets you back to reality is those scary crabs or those tingling tadpoles or something like that :P It was a funny feeling….you can’t actually see the tadpoles because they are transparent… it feels just like some jelly that moves on your skin, all you feel is a transparent thing moving but you can’t see them clearly……. It was a bit cloudy but the sunset was beautiful, and the sea was getting quieter as if saying goodbye to the sun. We sat there for some time and then went back to our home stay.
We packed up our things and got ready for dinner and then to leave for “Kankavali” to catch our bus back home. Dinner was served and the parting dinner was equally awesome…… :) I had a mouthwatering fish starter “Saranga” and a spicier malvani fish curry “Surmai”. Believe me when it comes to eating fish I can keep on eating and eating :P
Opps… I forgot to mention, we even got a chance to meet the interior designer who worked for “Culture Aangan”- Goerge. George is more of a free-lance guy who works on multiple projects….. He is so full of passion for his work. I love people who love what they do… believe me there is nothing like that… and our conversation began. We were just so much into the conversation that we wished we had more time. George’s specialty is in the use of natural materials especially bamboo…..(for those who have seen those bamboo boat houses in “Tarkarli” – he is the guy ;)) isn’t that amazing…… It’s actually an awesome blend of ethnicity, nature, and originality ……………….
So finally the time had come to say goodbyes and leave for “Kankavli”. The drive to Kankavli was a speech less drive as we were recollecting so many things in our heads on the way back….. and we finally spoke “it was a fun trip :)”. The trip was almost over, just a last bit of travelling from Kankavli ….. . We waited at the ticket place till midnight and we were amazed to see two fairly strong females handling all the bus rush to Mumbai and Pune. You should have seen their efficiency and dedication; it was incredible how they handled business till midnight. We were the last ones to board our bus, so they waited up with us till we boarded the bus. All I remember is getting up at Swargate….you could see the mess in Pune :P I could feel the rush of blood in my veins, that made me realize that the holiday just got over and I have to go to office today……………………………
I guess, It’s not about how good or bad the place is, I guess it’s more about how good can you make out of it… :) Cheers….. looking forward to more trips like this :)
Monday, October 4, 2010
Konkan Calling Again!!! - Part II
A beautiful morning sunrise accompanied by the birds singing in the background, was a perfect morning to begin with. You actually feel like going out and welcoming the sun in. As soon as you step out, those influential rays seem like filling you up with a new enthusiasm. Enjoying a carefree morning and soaking up energy from the sun….we decided to begin our day. So we embarked the day with a simple and yummy breakfast, some dosa (I can’t recall the exact name) with freshly grated coconut chutney… it was so delicious.
The plan for the day was quite interesting. We were to accompany our hosts to their native village “Mithbav” to celebrate “Ganpati” and then go to a nearby beach. Our hosts (Loke’s) have a 100-year old ancestral home in “Mithbav”, where they celebrate “Ganpati” with their family every year. I was amazed to see their enthusiasm and passion for the celebration and the love for their culture. How many of us could possibly do that? Our hectic life styles and the craziness to do so much in a day don’t leave us with anything in hand. This city life has taken so much fun from us……..
The ancestral home was small with a room and a kitchen… but it was miraculously standing for all these years…and there were no signs of cracks or putty applied or any modification….even the wood was in comparatively better condition. I guess it had much much much better construction than what we have here these days.
Ganpati celebration began with setting up of the “aasan” (sitting place for Ganpati idol). The place was cleaned and decorated well for the lord by the whole family. The males and the kids of the house go to a place where idols are painted for this occasion, to choose and pick the idol they like to take home. The whole village had gathered outside this place to pick their respected idols and carry it home. So finally after looking at more than a dozen of idols the family decided on one. Before taking the ganpati, the face of the lord is covered. The head of the family picks up the Ganpati on his head and carries it all the way to his home barefooted. The sight of so many people carrying Ganpati all the way through the rich green fields was beautiful. This act of devotion was just phenomenal. Once they reach home, the females of the house welcome the lord as they do some aarati and wash the feet of the ones carrying the lord. Then, the lord is seated in his “aasan”.
All the people in the village received us with pleasure as they were very happy to show us around, we even went to some of Loke’s neighbors to have a look at their Ganpati celebrations. It was just very over-whelming as how these people treated us with humility, just because we are guests. I’m truly amazed by Indians when it comes to hospitality; I bet no other country can offer such humbleness.
So finally the “Bhat” (someone who carries out the puja) arrived, and we joined in the prayers with the family. Once the prayer was over, we all gathered for lunch. Lunch was served on a banana leaf, it had very simple and delicious vegetarian food that included bhindi, karela, cabbage, usal etc. …all prepared in traditional style. And how can I forget the sweet dishes, we had some delicious “karanjees“ and “modaks”, as they are considered the lord’s most favorite items.
It was a fun celebration, because even if we live in the same country….we still had so many things to learn from others. So catching up with them, knowing their beliefs, rituals was just wonderful.
We visited some old temples nearby the village. We were amazed to see ‘Bank of Maharashtra’ and ‘Post and telegraph office’ in this remote location. We also spotted a bright yellow house in the middle of the village. Most of the houses used vivid colors that blended very well with the simplicity of this place. “Mithbav” has a very popular beach nearby, so after we were done with the celebrations, we decided to go to the beach. An old temple near the beach and the look of the beach was just beautiful. A quite lonely beach and the sun was playing hide and seek with us. It had a perfect cycle….sunny, then cloudy and then rainy and then again sunny; this continued for all the time we were there. The lonely beach was just perfect setting to take a walk, we felt as our worries were getting washed away by the waves. It was enjoyable as we got a bit drenched, collected shells and felt in sync with ourselves…….. a feeling that is just un-explainable or un-describable……….
It was almost sunset so we headed back to our homestay, all tired but all worth it. We were all set for dinner (by the time you reach here you might be thinking that I’m obsessed with food….well I’m ;)) Dinner was refreshingly vegetarian…… we had mutter-paneer, yellow daal, some kothimbeer vadi with a rice bakri…… it was just delectable. During and after dinner we made sure we interacted with our hosts to make sure we don’t miss any insight.
The day had so much and we were looking for more tomorrow….. and we had planned for a hectic trip tomorrow……
To be continued.......
The plan for the day was quite interesting. We were to accompany our hosts to their native village “Mithbav” to celebrate “Ganpati” and then go to a nearby beach. Our hosts (Loke’s) have a 100-year old ancestral home in “Mithbav”, where they celebrate “Ganpati” with their family every year. I was amazed to see their enthusiasm and passion for the celebration and the love for their culture. How many of us could possibly do that? Our hectic life styles and the craziness to do so much in a day don’t leave us with anything in hand. This city life has taken so much fun from us……..
The ancestral home was small with a room and a kitchen… but it was miraculously standing for all these years…and there were no signs of cracks or putty applied or any modification….even the wood was in comparatively better condition. I guess it had much much much better construction than what we have here these days.
Ganpati celebration began with setting up of the “aasan” (sitting place for Ganpati idol). The place was cleaned and decorated well for the lord by the whole family. The males and the kids of the house go to a place where idols are painted for this occasion, to choose and pick the idol they like to take home. The whole village had gathered outside this place to pick their respected idols and carry it home. So finally after looking at more than a dozen of idols the family decided on one. Before taking the ganpati, the face of the lord is covered. The head of the family picks up the Ganpati on his head and carries it all the way to his home barefooted. The sight of so many people carrying Ganpati all the way through the rich green fields was beautiful. This act of devotion was just phenomenal. Once they reach home, the females of the house welcome the lord as they do some aarati and wash the feet of the ones carrying the lord. Then, the lord is seated in his “aasan”.
All the people in the village received us with pleasure as they were very happy to show us around, we even went to some of Loke’s neighbors to have a look at their Ganpati celebrations. It was just very over-whelming as how these people treated us with humility, just because we are guests. I’m truly amazed by Indians when it comes to hospitality; I bet no other country can offer such humbleness.
So finally the “Bhat” (someone who carries out the puja) arrived, and we joined in the prayers with the family. Once the prayer was over, we all gathered for lunch. Lunch was served on a banana leaf, it had very simple and delicious vegetarian food that included bhindi, karela, cabbage, usal etc. …all prepared in traditional style. And how can I forget the sweet dishes, we had some delicious “karanjees“ and “modaks”, as they are considered the lord’s most favorite items.
It was a fun celebration, because even if we live in the same country….we still had so many things to learn from others. So catching up with them, knowing their beliefs, rituals was just wonderful.
We visited some old temples nearby the village. We were amazed to see ‘Bank of Maharashtra’ and ‘Post and telegraph office’ in this remote location. We also spotted a bright yellow house in the middle of the village. Most of the houses used vivid colors that blended very well with the simplicity of this place. “Mithbav” has a very popular beach nearby, so after we were done with the celebrations, we decided to go to the beach. An old temple near the beach and the look of the beach was just beautiful. A quite lonely beach and the sun was playing hide and seek with us. It had a perfect cycle….sunny, then cloudy and then rainy and then again sunny; this continued for all the time we were there. The lonely beach was just perfect setting to take a walk, we felt as our worries were getting washed away by the waves. It was enjoyable as we got a bit drenched, collected shells and felt in sync with ourselves…….. a feeling that is just un-explainable or un-describable……….
It was almost sunset so we headed back to our homestay, all tired but all worth it. We were all set for dinner (by the time you reach here you might be thinking that I’m obsessed with food….well I’m ;)) Dinner was refreshingly vegetarian…… we had mutter-paneer, yellow daal, some kothimbeer vadi with a rice bakri…… it was just delectable. During and after dinner we made sure we interacted with our hosts to make sure we don’t miss any insight.
The day had so much and we were looking for more tomorrow….. and we had planned for a hectic trip tomorrow……
To be continued.......
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Konkan Calling Again!!!!! - Part I

“Konkan” has a unique allure in it that keeps you going back to it. When we were planning the trip we decided no Konkan this time as last year we visited Sawantwadi in Konkan…. But by the time we had to make a decision, we could not think of any other place that could be managed at a short notice over the long weekend. Finally, after a lot of ‘yes’ and ‘no’ discussion we got all the booking done like a day or two before the trip. Believe me sometimes the spur-of-the-moment decisions can make your trip wonderful. So we decided on another popular home stay by Culture Aangan called “Pitruchaya” – as soothing as the name sounds it had an aura and beauty of its own.
We boarded the bus on Thursday night and left for a place called “Kankavali”. We reached around 6.30 in the morning and were picked up by Sandeep (our Culture Aangan associate). We gathered our luggage and went into somewhat “technically modified and beautifully designed auto” I guess it looked more like a “baggi”; if you know what that means. It was a fun ride of around 40-50 mins. to a place called “Dhoptewadi” in Shirgaon, to our home stay. There was a sweet chillness in the air, rather strange but welcoming surroundings. Greenery everywhere, as if it had been painted all night to give it a fresh look for us. It was a long, lonely and a narrow road with wild yellow and pink flowers resting on both sides of the road. The look of it was amazing enough to make all the travelling worth it. Finally, we reached our home stay….. that stood in the middle of nowhere…… It was a beautiful. We were received by our hosts (Loke family) with great hospitality. I’m amazed to see maharastrian hospitality; they always make you feel at home……as if you are a part of their family and not an outsider. It was remarkable to see Mr. Loke’s mother (she must be around 100 or so) active, just reminded me of my grandmother. How blessed are people who have the blessing of the parents and grandparents! This place truly deserved the name – “Pitruchaya”…….
We decided to stay in the sunrise terrace cottage….which was just phenomenal and the view from the terrace was splendid. Staying in a place that doesn’t even have like one single house next to it is a pleasure in itself. There are no concrete walls instead they use some porous old stones that gave the home an ethnicity. The pillars in the house were painted with some traditional figures that went very well with the home decor. The beautifully done living with all bamboo furniture was just like the jewel in the crown. The centre table looked like a stack of bamboos kept on each other, the dining table had an interesting stack of 15 or more bamboo sticks held like a twisted bundle to hold the glass on top…believe me it was so remarkable done (that I was literally looking at the overall force balance of the whole structure). Once we were inside, we sat down with our hosts and outlined the plan for the days to come……….
So here I go with my narration ‘day-wise’ so that I don’t miss anything.
It is a long blog...enjoy reading :)
Day One: Let me start with breakfast. We had “konkani style poha” with freshly grated coconut and a some tea, for a fresh feeling so that we could sleep for a while :P Feeling extremely rejuvenated after a power nap we were all set for lunch…..I was so looking forward to it. All I wanted was to eat fish, fish and more fish. The lunch was served with such humility that it just made my day :). Fish “tambdha “as a starter, fish “surmai” cooked in malvani style and fish “bangdha” (stuffed and then fried) …yummy as it sounds….. Just writing about it makes me hungry again. It was surely lip-smacking and all I wanted was to keep on eating and not get up.
After lunch, as planned we went to a waterfall nearby like 6-7km from the home stay. The ride was so much fun…..The vehicle dropped us outside and we proceeded towards the waterfall with our host (Mr. Loke). It was about 10-15 mins. of crossing a relatively dense forest….with a very narrow path to walk on. We were kind of making our way through it…and finally there was the gigantic waterfall. The sight of the water fall was mesmerizing. It was a huge waterfall with that naturally wild look and the best part was that there were no people around thankfully to ruin its wildness. The water was gushing down with such a force that I can’t describe. The power is its stream was so commanding that you could just feel your pulse racing as soon as you see it. The sight was just phenomenal; an angry waterfall, with big giant rocks as the sentinels surrounding it….and finally a lush green layer of grass, plants and trees around it to give it an overall soothing look. This unique combination just made it astounding. We clicked pictures like crazy and captured high spirits in our hearts :)
After coming back from the waterfall, we had some tea to refresh ourselves…. Talked to our hosts at length and went to see the place around. They had a well in front of their house, a well so well made that I was so much engrossed to the idea of drawing water from it….and surely it was fun… We took one hour long walk on that lonely road in the evening with masti all the way: P We picked some flowers on the way, clicked some pictures, and a lot of crazy things…. I’m surely not doing justice to the kind of fun we had…… just have no words to describe it all.
Got back home and waited eagerly for dinner :P. Dinner was served……. a chicken starter – fried with an awesome malvani masala and malvani chicken curry…… it didn’t taste like chicken ;P………….
A long gratifying day was over and we retired to bed with a hope that there will be more to explore and have fun tomorrow :)
To be continued………………………………………………………….
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Each One Teach One!!!!!!
“Teaching” is a dignified profession. My family has been into teaching from I don’t know how many generations. My grandfather was a head master in one of the reputed schools in Srinagar. So everyone in my family knows the nobleness of this profession. I don’t know if it still stands noble in the modern world. But for me it’s still noble, pure and selfless deed. I still remember most of my teachers in school n college; I feel so lucky to have had good mentors throughout my life.
As a kid, I used to teach my younger brother. He is the naughtiest kid I have ever seen till date. It was a trick to keep him glued to the books, as he had millions of excuses for not studying. I remember so many of his excuses for not sitting down with books…… “Hey, I’m thirsty, I have to use the washroom, I lost my pencil, I can’t find my book, I’m hungry, and….” my God he could go on and on with his excuses. He could do anything and everything to escape his ordeal with books. I loved studying so I hated his attitude towards studies. And with dad in Srinagar I had more than 10 reasons to help him or make him study, so I had to torment him. But at the same time, he loved studying when I was the one teaching. I used to read out to him. Make up stories so that he could remember. Cook up some experiments to show him how things work. Though we were poles apart, we always had interactive study sessions. I guess I’m good with kids only because I was dealing with a very naughty kid from childhood.
When I started working, I had seen a bunch of young kids working in small hotels/dabhas, shops, as workers everywhere. And I used to wonder what happened to the law, as far as I remember we had some law for no child labor. It actually rips my heart when I see small kids working. Making tea with their small hands, such small and tiny hands….. It’s such a pitiful sight. These hands should have had an opportunity to learn and grow. But alas! They have a hard way of learning. It certainly is a difficult way of learning, a battle for their survival, a race to feed the countless mouths at home………. It is sad, in fact very sad to see the world around, with all these disparities.
But the question is what can we do???? So many things to do I guess…monetary help, donations, fund NGO’s……but whenever I think about it, all I feel is whether it actually goes into the benefit to the needy people or does it just go into someone else’s pocket…. I don’t know the answer, but I don’t think there is a better answer to it. Consider our situation - we pay taxes ever year. Do our savings, file taxes, tax returns and what not, but do we get perfect roads… I think you already know the answer…..which is NO!!!
A year back, I started teaching some under-privileged kids during the weekends. It is surely a privilege to teach the under-privileged……. as it gives me an utmost satisfaction. It’s a feeling that I can’t describe, it’s just amazing. I don’t think there can be a bigger gift that you can give yourself.
I see a magnificent spark in their twinkling eyes. Strange eyes they have….. full of hope but at the same time you can also see some hopelessness. May be these little kids wonder, as to why they don’t have a life worth living. I teach 3 kids, one kid in K.G., one girl in class 5 and the eldest one in class 6. The variation is just awesome. You may not believe if I tell you that these kids are smarter for their age. And on top of that they are very good in grasping, understanding and very hardworking. It’s very exciting to teach such kids, who have a desire to learn. I love teaching them, its fun in some ways. I teach maths in hindi as some are in a marathi medium. I am actually learning a lot of hindi myself ;). Believe me it’s fun, luckily I can connect to these kids as I understand and can speak some marathi. But when I see the hardships they are going through it’s just too over-whelming.
I am not a philosopher, nor do I plan to revolutionize the world. I am just doing my bit…….….. so should you. Guys don’t wait for an opportunity to knock on your door…. Just go and find one. :)
Monday, August 9, 2010
Happy 1st Birthday – “Wild Berries” :)
“Wild berries” turns ONE. “Wild berries” is not just a blog for me; it has been a personal space for me where I could put in my thoughts out to the world. It is my immense pleasure to let you know that I have successfully completed one year here... I was a regular blogger and tried to keep you and I entertained. Blogging has been a great stress buster and a companion for almost a year now, a friend with whom I can share anything.
Writing was my passion since childhood... but I never got chance to share it with others. As a child, I loved writing diaries and put down my thoughts, views, perceptions, dreams, fears and what not. But all these thoughts remained in the yellow pages of my diaries. There was no difference of opinion; no clash of the titans, no one could challenge my thought process. But my dream of writing and getting my thoughts out to people came true with blogger – thank you blogger :)
There are many people behind the success of my blog. It took me a lot of motivation to actually join blogger. A close friend suggested one day... "Hey, why don’t you blog? It’s a nice platform to share your ideas." I was reluctant at first….but when I started blogging, there was no looking back. I felt great as blogging gave my freedom of speech back ….. I’m thankful to you sweetheart for motivating me enough to write.
“Wild Berries” won’t have been possible without the support of my friends, whom I bugged day and night to review and send me the feedback. I have bugged ‘amit’ way too much.... poor fellow did his PhD on my blogs :P other than his research work... :D
I guess, it’s a brilliant way to exploit my over active brain... :P Putting my thoughts in here, fears, confessions or anything or everything makes it more and more interesting as I write or even consider writing about them.
I feel by now, many people who read my blog actually know me so well. I write what I feel. I know my ideas are not customary.. I am rebellious since childhood. I have always had a voice of my own... against society... against prejudices or anything that doesn’t have logic (or as some call it ‘logicless’ :D).
I am an organization freak!!! As crazy as it sounds, it’s equally crazy to be one. If you happen to see the popular TV series ‘Friends’, I happen to be “Monica Gellar”. I love everything in place, be it books, documents, items and all. I love keeping things logically in order, even the right and left of things is important to me. I love to do things my way, but at the same time I’m not rigid.
I’m a “free- bird” who hates enclosures. I hate being restricted or being stuffed in a cage. I want to see the world with my eyes and explore it with my wings. At times I love to keep my personal space, I love being lazy sometimes...laid back for a moment .......just sit there and do nothing for a while......
And yes, this blog is my reality. Every person has so much in them but they never get a right platform to share their views. I’m contented about the fact that at least my blogs will help me capture my dreams, fears, aspirations...I mean every facet of my life. It will be a legacy that I can share with my family when I’m too old to remember anything. :D :D :D
Writing was my passion since childhood... but I never got chance to share it with others. As a child, I loved writing diaries and put down my thoughts, views, perceptions, dreams, fears and what not. But all these thoughts remained in the yellow pages of my diaries. There was no difference of opinion; no clash of the titans, no one could challenge my thought process. But my dream of writing and getting my thoughts out to people came true with blogger – thank you blogger :)
There are many people behind the success of my blog. It took me a lot of motivation to actually join blogger. A close friend suggested one day... "Hey, why don’t you blog? It’s a nice platform to share your ideas." I was reluctant at first….but when I started blogging, there was no looking back. I felt great as blogging gave my freedom of speech back ….. I’m thankful to you sweetheart for motivating me enough to write.
“Wild Berries” won’t have been possible without the support of my friends, whom I bugged day and night to review and send me the feedback. I have bugged ‘amit’ way too much.... poor fellow did his PhD on my blogs :P other than his research work... :D
I guess, it’s a brilliant way to exploit my over active brain... :P Putting my thoughts in here, fears, confessions or anything or everything makes it more and more interesting as I write or even consider writing about them.
I feel by now, many people who read my blog actually know me so well. I write what I feel. I know my ideas are not customary.. I am rebellious since childhood. I have always had a voice of my own... against society... against prejudices or anything that doesn’t have logic (or as some call it ‘logicless’ :D).
I am an organization freak!!! As crazy as it sounds, it’s equally crazy to be one. If you happen to see the popular TV series ‘Friends’, I happen to be “Monica Gellar”. I love everything in place, be it books, documents, items and all. I love keeping things logically in order, even the right and left of things is important to me. I love to do things my way, but at the same time I’m not rigid.
I’m a “free- bird” who hates enclosures. I hate being restricted or being stuffed in a cage. I want to see the world with my eyes and explore it with my wings. At times I love to keep my personal space, I love being lazy sometimes...laid back for a moment .......just sit there and do nothing for a while......
And yes, this blog is my reality. Every person has so much in them but they never get a right platform to share their views. I’m contented about the fact that at least my blogs will help me capture my dreams, fears, aspirations...I mean every facet of my life. It will be a legacy that I can share with my family when I’m too old to remember anything. :D :D :D
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Trek to Sinhagad :)))
Finally, after so much planning and driving people out of the gym was successful. We ventured to Sinhagad. I have been there a couple number of times but every time I go, it’s different. And a new group just adds adventure. Especially, when you go with only people you don’t know very well; I mean ‘hi-hello’ people around you. Obviously, who has the time to make friends in the gym… Everyone is busy finishing there workouts….as everyone has to rush to office. We hardly talk at length. All we talk about is ‘how many calories do you burn?’ or ‘what diet do you follow?’ or ‘are you losing any weight?’ or ‘what to eat?’ or ‘What not to eat?’ :P Believe me it’s a crazy discussion at times, and I pity the trainer for answering the same set of questions again and again.
Whenever you do an activity together in a group, a new bond is formed. It’s so much fun as you share common experiences. In a small group of 7 people, we two were experienced and all others were first timers. It was so fun making them trek hard, I’m sure they had a tough time for 3-4 days at least.
It wasn’t very early, around 8am in the morning. But the look around was just phenomenal. Just last night it had rained cats and dogs here so I was wondering how we will go. But in the morning, cloudy weather was the driving force for going. So we all gathered in front of our gym calling all who signed up for the trek. I guess out of a good number of more than 20 people we could manage only 6 on board. Thankfully we didn’t give up or cancel and we continued with our plan.
As we started our trip, the whole city was sporting a ‘wet look’, which was just beautiful. The way plants get more and more greener when it rains. You can see all types of green… the dark leafy one, the color of the new leaves, the grass, the sight is awesome. The colors and the freshness around you makes you marvel at mother nature’s capability to revive itself. The whole scene looks like it underwent a metamorphosis just in one night. And all you want to do it praise the creator and be amazed with his work.
As we managed the first timers, the trek got very interesting. I was busy clicking some random shots, helping my group and having fun. It was so good to get in touch with my “pahadi” roots. I love trekking/hiking and I guess I get this streak from my father. My father is an avid mountaineer and a true “pahadi” for that matter. I’m amazed with his enthusiasm to explore places and climb mountains. I would be very interested to join a group of trekkers or something like that, who go hiking every now and then. It will be very interesting to go with people from different walks of life, coming together for a common passion.
Monday, June 7, 2010
Tragedy of Being a Kashmiri Pandit!!!!!!!!
This blog is not just any other blog. It’s a subject that’s very close to my heart. It’s about the journey of a child who saw 2-3 generations trapped in ill-fated militancy, and witnessed all the misery it got along. Even if I was a kid, I felt the blow so hard that it’s still fresh in my memory. I can still hear those dreadful words from the mosque, I am still aware of the trauma we were in. I still remember those fearful nights….those dreaded moments that anyone will just walk in our house and kill us. I used to be hell scared if my mother went out to buy something and hoped that she will come back alright. I can’t tell you how it feels to be a victim for something you didn’t even do….
No matter how much we Kashmiri’s are proud of our heritage, we were hurt and betrayed by our own people. Our own land is no more the same, we were thrown out saying that we don’t belong here. I don’t know if any of my non-kashmiri friends will ever understand what it is to be a ‘cursed Hindu’. What is it to be a child whose childhood didn’t see innocence but responsibilities? What it is to see your family torn? The bitter feeling of losing everything! From a luxurious life to life in a box; yes we stayed in a box, what else will you call when a whole family stays, cooks and sleeps in one room? Migration from a big house to a box was just phenomenal, but I guess we were so traumatized that it didn’t matter what we had and what we didn’t as long as we were alive.
I belong to that generation of unlucky kids who witnessed the upsurge of militancy. It is sad, very sad to be one of them. I feel sorry not only for myself but my grandmother, who had to leave her proud legacy and was forced to stay in the box. I am sorry for my parents who had to stay away from each other for as long as 15 years…. just because they had a family to support. I feel sorry for a wife, a mother and a daughter who had to do everything all by herself for her family. I have not known anyone as strong as my mother. I was strongly influenced by her; she planted roots of a strong personality with an optimistic mental outlook in me. My mother stood like a pillar of strength for our family and never let us feel as to how disturbed and traumatized she felt. My mom being an intelligent lady was never conservative and always had progressive ideas. She used to encourage us to learn to stand on our own feet and pursue our professions with oozing self-confidence. Her main ambition was the prosperity of her children.
I feel sorry for my father, who was kind of trapped in his job. As a son, husband and a father, he had his responsibilities. My dad, a disciplined, dedicated and an honest man, who approaches issues with an alert mind and goes about his job in a methodical manner but he was not given a fair chance to get transferred to Jammu so that he could be with his family. All useless government and so called human rights agencies just pretended to help the Pandits….but I know what they did. Ask any Kashmiri Pandit and they will tell you what all have they suffered.
I feel sorry for the son and the daughter, who could never have a full fledged family. No mentor around during their career building years. Even if my dad is a living encyclopedia, with all the information in the world…. be it religion, science, occult sciences, agriculture, anything and everything…. A very well-learned man but at the same time, he is an expert in finding fault with others and castrating them for their shortcomings. I wish, I and my little brother had a good guidance and support of our father when we were growing up. May be I would have been much more than what I am now. It’s not that I am not happy with what I am but I wish I had a chance to do it even better. It’s not that I am not proud of what all I have accomplished in all these years, but I don’t think it’s my success… This success and its credit belong to my parents without whom I would never have been able to come so far. I owe so much to them and all the pain and sacrifices they made for both of us. I am so blessed to be their daughter, even if I had ups and downs in my life…. They never gave up on me. Their faith in me and their whole-hearted blessings have taken me all the way up.
The worst thing is to be a refugee in your own country. When not only other cities, states and communities treat you like a bunch of losers but they also make fun by saying “hey, I can’t believe you fled from your homeland, how can you? How can anyone? You are too weak to let go of your house and age old legacy”. Can someone go and tell them, it’s easy to say but god forbid. I hope no one ever on this planet has to go through anything like this. I can’t tell you how hurt my whole community is….. Where should we go and seek answers when even our own gods have turned their backs on us. Life was difficult and impossible. People just talk and talk; they never did anything for the benefit of a ‘migrated Hindu’ – even if we are in majority here. There were very few people who came up to help.
I don’t know if anyone reading this blog will ever be able to relate to the trauma faced by us. I don’t think anyone can believe or imagine how difficult it was for all the Kashmiri Pandits. We started from scratch… actually from a twig. Even if we had everything a night before, the next day we were beggars, just beggars who had nothing but just a hope that we will come back soon. Newspapers covered with blood everywhere – ‘5 people killed’- ’10 people killed’ – ’20 people killed’. Who kept the count? We all were busy thanking for each day we were alive (oh sorry) survived. With my father in Srinagar and we surviving in Jammu, I have not seen a single day, when my mother and grandmother were not worried about my father’s safety and safe arrival. Prayers were all we had.
I don’t blame anyone. I don’t know why it happened? I don’t know what went wrong, that our own people turned against us. I don’t have an answer, but I have so many questions that I want to ask. These questions never leave me; they are always there in my head. And I keep wondering, what was it that I did wrong? What was my fault?
I salute the whole brigade of Kashmiri Pandits for their fighting spirit. They have fought against all odds. I don’t think there can be any other community that could have survived this tragedy. Even a mighty country like the US couldn’t survive 9/11….. and a handful of Kashmiri Pandits survived and rose above all odds. It wasn’t a miracle nor did happen in one night…………they worked hard and never gave up. I guess our rich culture; our values, ethics, morals and above all our education came to our rescue. I salute all the parents who stood up to make their children’s life peaceful.
I salute, I salute, I salute………
No matter how much we Kashmiri’s are proud of our heritage, we were hurt and betrayed by our own people. Our own land is no more the same, we were thrown out saying that we don’t belong here. I don’t know if any of my non-kashmiri friends will ever understand what it is to be a ‘cursed Hindu’. What is it to be a child whose childhood didn’t see innocence but responsibilities? What it is to see your family torn? The bitter feeling of losing everything! From a luxurious life to life in a box; yes we stayed in a box, what else will you call when a whole family stays, cooks and sleeps in one room? Migration from a big house to a box was just phenomenal, but I guess we were so traumatized that it didn’t matter what we had and what we didn’t as long as we were alive.
I belong to that generation of unlucky kids who witnessed the upsurge of militancy. It is sad, very sad to be one of them. I feel sorry not only for myself but my grandmother, who had to leave her proud legacy and was forced to stay in the box. I am sorry for my parents who had to stay away from each other for as long as 15 years…. just because they had a family to support. I feel sorry for a wife, a mother and a daughter who had to do everything all by herself for her family. I have not known anyone as strong as my mother. I was strongly influenced by her; she planted roots of a strong personality with an optimistic mental outlook in me. My mother stood like a pillar of strength for our family and never let us feel as to how disturbed and traumatized she felt. My mom being an intelligent lady was never conservative and always had progressive ideas. She used to encourage us to learn to stand on our own feet and pursue our professions with oozing self-confidence. Her main ambition was the prosperity of her children.
I feel sorry for my father, who was kind of trapped in his job. As a son, husband and a father, he had his responsibilities. My dad, a disciplined, dedicated and an honest man, who approaches issues with an alert mind and goes about his job in a methodical manner but he was not given a fair chance to get transferred to Jammu so that he could be with his family. All useless government and so called human rights agencies just pretended to help the Pandits….but I know what they did. Ask any Kashmiri Pandit and they will tell you what all have they suffered.
I feel sorry for the son and the daughter, who could never have a full fledged family. No mentor around during their career building years. Even if my dad is a living encyclopedia, with all the information in the world…. be it religion, science, occult sciences, agriculture, anything and everything…. A very well-learned man but at the same time, he is an expert in finding fault with others and castrating them for their shortcomings. I wish, I and my little brother had a good guidance and support of our father when we were growing up. May be I would have been much more than what I am now. It’s not that I am not happy with what I am but I wish I had a chance to do it even better. It’s not that I am not proud of what all I have accomplished in all these years, but I don’t think it’s my success… This success and its credit belong to my parents without whom I would never have been able to come so far. I owe so much to them and all the pain and sacrifices they made for both of us. I am so blessed to be their daughter, even if I had ups and downs in my life…. They never gave up on me. Their faith in me and their whole-hearted blessings have taken me all the way up.
The worst thing is to be a refugee in your own country. When not only other cities, states and communities treat you like a bunch of losers but they also make fun by saying “hey, I can’t believe you fled from your homeland, how can you? How can anyone? You are too weak to let go of your house and age old legacy”. Can someone go and tell them, it’s easy to say but god forbid. I hope no one ever on this planet has to go through anything like this. I can’t tell you how hurt my whole community is….. Where should we go and seek answers when even our own gods have turned their backs on us. Life was difficult and impossible. People just talk and talk; they never did anything for the benefit of a ‘migrated Hindu’ – even if we are in majority here. There were very few people who came up to help.
I don’t know if anyone reading this blog will ever be able to relate to the trauma faced by us. I don’t think anyone can believe or imagine how difficult it was for all the Kashmiri Pandits. We started from scratch… actually from a twig. Even if we had everything a night before, the next day we were beggars, just beggars who had nothing but just a hope that we will come back soon. Newspapers covered with blood everywhere – ‘5 people killed’- ’10 people killed’ – ’20 people killed’. Who kept the count? We all were busy thanking for each day we were alive (oh sorry) survived. With my father in Srinagar and we surviving in Jammu, I have not seen a single day, when my mother and grandmother were not worried about my father’s safety and safe arrival. Prayers were all we had.
I don’t blame anyone. I don’t know why it happened? I don’t know what went wrong, that our own people turned against us. I don’t have an answer, but I have so many questions that I want to ask. These questions never leave me; they are always there in my head. And I keep wondering, what was it that I did wrong? What was my fault?
I salute the whole brigade of Kashmiri Pandits for their fighting spirit. They have fought against all odds. I don’t think there can be any other community that could have survived this tragedy. Even a mighty country like the US couldn’t survive 9/11….. and a handful of Kashmiri Pandits survived and rose above all odds. It wasn’t a miracle nor did happen in one night…………they worked hard and never gave up. I guess our rich culture; our values, ethics, morals and above all our education came to our rescue. I salute all the parents who stood up to make their children’s life peaceful.
I salute, I salute, I salute………
Friday, May 21, 2010
Are You Really Healthy????
We always talk about good health, but how many of us are actually healthy? Believe me the answer to this question will surprise you. You and people around you might appear “pink in health” but the reality will leave you stunned. We all are so busy with our chores that we never have time to actually see how hollow and lifeless are the eyes surrounding us.
“All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy” – a famous saying I heard when I was a kid….. It stands true even now. We all are trapped in our own worlds – “offices”. All we do is work – project, deadline, reviews, reports, client calls, delivery, etc. etc and the list goes on and on and on. Handling like 2-4 projects at the same time, multi-tasking, multi-dimensional work, muti-disciplinary work is the need of the hour. 24 hrs do not suffice the amount of work we have to finish in a day. Now with so much work, who has the time to play? But we have time to pop pills, go to hospitals, pay heavy bills and feel good that everything can be taken care of. Hah!!! You must be kidding me.
And if you happen to be lucky enough to get hold of a disorder at an early stage, you will go crazy thinking how you are not healthy? Then you act like a fool - counting calories every time you eat, weighing every time you come across a weighing machine, thinking like 10 million times about what to eat and what to avoid, a complete switch-over to fruits, salads and boiled food, less salt, no sugar, no soda, going vegetarian, cutting down on carbs (can’t believe I even stopped eating rice :( ), dieting (even if I don’t believe in it), cutting down on almost everything you love eating, I tried everything n believe me nothing works. Instead, you feel cranky, crazy and depressed.
With the physical activity graph going down, I finally decided to do something about it. Out of all the options possible, I found “gymming” a better option to stay fit. I hate being restricted in a cubicle but once you have a good kick-start in the morning, you feel energetic the whole day. And once you go for it, you will find yourself trapped in a viscous circle because you won’t feel like giving it up. I joined the gym for just 3 months to check whether I will b able to manage office, gym and cooking…. And I’m surprised, I can do all :).
But now, gymming has become a vital part of my routine, may be adrenaline is responsible for this healthy and happy look. I don’t feel like skipping the gym even for a day, it keeps me active. I follow no strict diet only exercise and believe me I feel so good. I have not given up anything, just made some minor changes in my routine. To start with, I included more salads, fruits, proteins. I eat whatever I want and burn equivalent calories. I guess I’m still carrying the IIT attitude here, “work hard n party harder” same thing goes for my gym.
Healthy food and a healthy living are on my high priority list, what about you?
“All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy” – a famous saying I heard when I was a kid….. It stands true even now. We all are trapped in our own worlds – “offices”. All we do is work – project, deadline, reviews, reports, client calls, delivery, etc. etc and the list goes on and on and on. Handling like 2-4 projects at the same time, multi-tasking, multi-dimensional work, muti-disciplinary work is the need of the hour. 24 hrs do not suffice the amount of work we have to finish in a day. Now with so much work, who has the time to play? But we have time to pop pills, go to hospitals, pay heavy bills and feel good that everything can be taken care of. Hah!!! You must be kidding me.
And if you happen to be lucky enough to get hold of a disorder at an early stage, you will go crazy thinking how you are not healthy? Then you act like a fool - counting calories every time you eat, weighing every time you come across a weighing machine, thinking like 10 million times about what to eat and what to avoid, a complete switch-over to fruits, salads and boiled food, less salt, no sugar, no soda, going vegetarian, cutting down on carbs (can’t believe I even stopped eating rice :( ), dieting (even if I don’t believe in it), cutting down on almost everything you love eating, I tried everything n believe me nothing works. Instead, you feel cranky, crazy and depressed.
With the physical activity graph going down, I finally decided to do something about it. Out of all the options possible, I found “gymming” a better option to stay fit. I hate being restricted in a cubicle but once you have a good kick-start in the morning, you feel energetic the whole day. And once you go for it, you will find yourself trapped in a viscous circle because you won’t feel like giving it up. I joined the gym for just 3 months to check whether I will b able to manage office, gym and cooking…. And I’m surprised, I can do all :).
But now, gymming has become a vital part of my routine, may be adrenaline is responsible for this healthy and happy look. I don’t feel like skipping the gym even for a day, it keeps me active. I follow no strict diet only exercise and believe me I feel so good. I have not given up anything, just made some minor changes in my routine. To start with, I included more salads, fruits, proteins. I eat whatever I want and burn equivalent calories. I guess I’m still carrying the IIT attitude here, “work hard n party harder” same thing goes for my gym.
Healthy food and a healthy living are on my high priority list, what about you?
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Three Weeks of Pampering!!!!!!!!!!!!
“Pamper” as we all know is a wonderful feeling or gesture shown by someone whom you love immensely. The month of march was just brilliant as my dad and little brother (for me he never gets older :P) had come to spend some time with me. Everything was perfect. I was so so so happy by just the thought that they are here. Though my brother was here only for like 3-4 days, we still managed to have fun, fight, yell and irritate the hell out of each other :P. (I know it doesn’t sound like fun, but it is. Ohh , I so miss those silly fights we used to have and then patch up the very next minute. Mom used to get so irritated with our fights, hahahahaha it used to be so good.)
Here are some of the activities that we did and I really wanna share with you all, I know you will relate to them well :)
Shopping with bhai – I don’t know why guys and colors don’t go along well. We were literally fighting over t-shirt colors :P. I wanted him to pick any other color than red or black, but he won’t just give up. He kept saying… ohh thats a female color….. or that’s too flashy….. or that’s too loud :( . But I didn’t give up; I made him buy other colors. Yippyyyy (come on dude you looked so cool in the wine colored one.)
Cooking – my dad is a great cook, so I had grand treats for 3 weeks. It was raining Roganjoshes, Yahkhinis, Munghi-haakh, razma, and what not: O (just writing about it makes me hungry.) We had so much fun cooking on weekends, I love cooking for dad and pampering him. I cooked something different for him like lemon rice, sambhar, pav bhaji, thalipeeth, so that he enjoys a unique taste. In spite of the fact that our cooking ways are extremely different, he still loved it. I believe in cooking healthy and he cooks with lots and lots of oil and ghee (but obviously his food tastes brilliant: P). I have just realized one thing “the more sinful (calorie-rich) the food is, the more awesome it is”. That’s the irony of the whole thing :(
IPL Fever – Cricket has been our love of interest for a long time. I still remember as kids – me and bhai playing cricket every weekend with dad. And how, I never used to agree that I’m out. I loved batting and immensely hated fielding (: P). It used to be so fun….. as I kept on saying…ok last chance one last chance… :D :D :D :D And I still remember those brilliant willow bats; oiling them and those dangerous cricket balls (we had the best collection at home). Ahh how can I forget the injuries I had while playing. Wow… I so miss being a kid and my cricket team.
Discussions – We both love debating, so we usually have very exhaustive discussions about anything and everything. Topics vary from cooking, current affairs, IPL, right way of living, health, medicines, yoga, books, writers, news, gadgets, globalization, science , technology, culture, anything …………….…. believe me any topic can be beaten to dead with the discussion :D. We mostly never agree with each other and the best part is that we both never give up.
But what life man… it was just awesome. Stress-free days, full of surprises, good food, discussions, what else can you ask for. Breakfast with dad, lovely evenings followed by a dinner to die for, just makes me realize what all I have been missing. I am very close to my dad and it’s a great feeling as you still have so much to talk and share. His pranks at school, adventures, love for food, and lots of other gossips we love talking about. I fall so short of words to actually describe that feeling I don’t know how to put it down in words, I just feel so lucky :). I guess you actually connect at a different level as you grow up.
These three weeks of spending some good quality time with dad is the best thing I did in the past 10 years. It’s strange how we spend most of our childhood yearning to be independent but once we are, we still miss the doting care and pampering of our parents………………………………
Here are some of the activities that we did and I really wanna share with you all, I know you will relate to them well :)
Shopping with bhai – I don’t know why guys and colors don’t go along well. We were literally fighting over t-shirt colors :P. I wanted him to pick any other color than red or black, but he won’t just give up. He kept saying… ohh thats a female color….. or that’s too flashy….. or that’s too loud :( . But I didn’t give up; I made him buy other colors. Yippyyyy (come on dude you looked so cool in the wine colored one.)
Cooking – my dad is a great cook, so I had grand treats for 3 weeks. It was raining Roganjoshes, Yahkhinis, Munghi-haakh, razma, and what not: O (just writing about it makes me hungry.) We had so much fun cooking on weekends, I love cooking for dad and pampering him. I cooked something different for him like lemon rice, sambhar, pav bhaji, thalipeeth, so that he enjoys a unique taste. In spite of the fact that our cooking ways are extremely different, he still loved it. I believe in cooking healthy and he cooks with lots and lots of oil and ghee (but obviously his food tastes brilliant: P). I have just realized one thing “the more sinful (calorie-rich) the food is, the more awesome it is”. That’s the irony of the whole thing :(
IPL Fever – Cricket has been our love of interest for a long time. I still remember as kids – me and bhai playing cricket every weekend with dad. And how, I never used to agree that I’m out. I loved batting and immensely hated fielding (: P). It used to be so fun….. as I kept on saying…ok last chance one last chance… :D :D :D :D And I still remember those brilliant willow bats; oiling them and those dangerous cricket balls (we had the best collection at home). Ahh how can I forget the injuries I had while playing. Wow… I so miss being a kid and my cricket team.
Discussions – We both love debating, so we usually have very exhaustive discussions about anything and everything. Topics vary from cooking, current affairs, IPL, right way of living, health, medicines, yoga, books, writers, news, gadgets, globalization, science , technology, culture, anything …………….…. believe me any topic can be beaten to dead with the discussion :D. We mostly never agree with each other and the best part is that we both never give up.
But what life man… it was just awesome. Stress-free days, full of surprises, good food, discussions, what else can you ask for. Breakfast with dad, lovely evenings followed by a dinner to die for, just makes me realize what all I have been missing. I am very close to my dad and it’s a great feeling as you still have so much to talk and share. His pranks at school, adventures, love for food, and lots of other gossips we love talking about. I fall so short of words to actually describe that feeling I don’t know how to put it down in words, I just feel so lucky :). I guess you actually connect at a different level as you grow up.
These three weeks of spending some good quality time with dad is the best thing I did in the past 10 years. It’s strange how we spend most of our childhood yearning to be independent but once we are, we still miss the doting care and pampering of our parents………………………………
Thursday, March 25, 2010
The Science of Cooking!!!!
Being an engineer, I won’t call cooking an art. It is definitely a science as it involves all skills of a scientist. It begins with discovery (discovery of tastes of different ingredients or identification of different flavors), experimentation (experimenting with all kinds of ingredients with different permutations and combinations), invention (it’s declared when you love it and everyone appreciates your cooking – that’s the measure of success) and last but unquestionably not the least is the touch of innovation – it is the basic element of any kind of research :). Innovation can be at the first stage or at the final one.
I belong to a family of foodies, where everyone is a cook in himself. My mom, dad (definitely a better cook than mom in some ways), me and my bro..... he is very innovative. To tell you sincerely, he is my main motivation for innovative cooking. You won’t believe if I tell you that he can cook million type of eggs at the same time and they all taste completely different from each other (just thinking about it makes me hungry :O). My grandmother was a great cook, she knew what "taste" is in a real sense. Her food would always make you gluttonous. It used to be yummy always, with lots of ghee and love. If you happen to have tasted the traditional "Kashmiri Fish Curry" she made, you were definitely the luckiest one. That is the best fish I have ever had till date, my mom still cannot cook it as well as Gia (my grandmother).
I have been cooking for almost like a year now, and believe me it’s a great stress buster and a very good way to kill time. I am in love with my cooking, I guess too self-obsessed. I love to experiment with all the vegetables, different combinations and ingredients. It’s really good because you just keep getting better and better. The performance graph is linear initially and then the improvement grows exponentially :P (yup it might sound funny to all my non geeky friends but I love R&D at all levels).
Furthermore, the effect of culture on cooking is also mind-blowing. Culture, geographical location and the local climate have a huge impact on the cooking of a particular region. It’s amazing to see how cuisines change at every mile (also within a single state). Our country being a great example of diverse cultures, foods as well as eating habits vary from one city to another.
But every cuisine uses a perfect science for cooking….
If you consider Kashmiri cuisine, everything is deep fried (vegetables as well as non-veg.), uses a lot of oil and red chilies...... but we balance it out with ‘sauf’ powder and lots of curd. (Curd is a specialty among Kashmiris, we love curd and we have it all the times). Now if you see the climate in Kashmir we need foods that can keep us warm so all the spices, oil and non-veg. does the trick for us.
Next, if you see the typical north Indian cuisine (esp. places like Punjab,UP etc.). They don’t have very spicy food but they use a lot of lemon, lots of water, lassi (buttermilk) and coriander in food. Coriander is very good for stomach and lemon and lassi are helpful for the extreme heat.
Now if we go down south......... the food is highly spicy but they always follow food with curd rice.... :) A perfect antidote to the gunpowder they take (gunpowder as they call it, is the chili powder). They love to have plain white rice with gun powder and a spoon of ghee,it tastes great. Moreover, drinking rasam or that colored water in Kerala definitely helps you digesting the food properly.
So, won’t you agree with me that it is definitely a science?
I dedicate the year of 2009’s R&D to cooking, which is turning into a passion :)
I belong to a family of foodies, where everyone is a cook in himself. My mom, dad (definitely a better cook than mom in some ways), me and my bro..... he is very innovative. To tell you sincerely, he is my main motivation for innovative cooking. You won’t believe if I tell you that he can cook million type of eggs at the same time and they all taste completely different from each other (just thinking about it makes me hungry :O). My grandmother was a great cook, she knew what "taste" is in a real sense. Her food would always make you gluttonous. It used to be yummy always, with lots of ghee and love. If you happen to have tasted the traditional "Kashmiri Fish Curry" she made, you were definitely the luckiest one. That is the best fish I have ever had till date, my mom still cannot cook it as well as Gia (my grandmother).
I have been cooking for almost like a year now, and believe me it’s a great stress buster and a very good way to kill time. I am in love with my cooking, I guess too self-obsessed. I love to experiment with all the vegetables, different combinations and ingredients. It’s really good because you just keep getting better and better. The performance graph is linear initially and then the improvement grows exponentially :P (yup it might sound funny to all my non geeky friends but I love R&D at all levels).
Furthermore, the effect of culture on cooking is also mind-blowing. Culture, geographical location and the local climate have a huge impact on the cooking of a particular region. It’s amazing to see how cuisines change at every mile (also within a single state). Our country being a great example of diverse cultures, foods as well as eating habits vary from one city to another.
But every cuisine uses a perfect science for cooking….
If you consider Kashmiri cuisine, everything is deep fried (vegetables as well as non-veg.), uses a lot of oil and red chilies...... but we balance it out with ‘sauf’ powder and lots of curd. (Curd is a specialty among Kashmiris, we love curd and we have it all the times). Now if you see the climate in Kashmir we need foods that can keep us warm so all the spices, oil and non-veg. does the trick for us.
Next, if you see the typical north Indian cuisine (esp. places like Punjab,UP etc.). They don’t have very spicy food but they use a lot of lemon, lots of water, lassi (buttermilk) and coriander in food. Coriander is very good for stomach and lemon and lassi are helpful for the extreme heat.
Now if we go down south......... the food is highly spicy but they always follow food with curd rice.... :) A perfect antidote to the gunpowder they take (gunpowder as they call it, is the chili powder). They love to have plain white rice with gun powder and a spoon of ghee,it tastes great. Moreover, drinking rasam or that colored water in Kerala definitely helps you digesting the food properly.
So, won’t you agree with me that it is definitely a science?
I dedicate the year of 2009’s R&D to cooking, which is turning into a passion :)
Saturday, February 27, 2010
Twilight Fever….
I was down with the twilight fever for over three weeks… I’m talking about the twilight saga by Stephanie Meyer. I heard so much about it that I just had to know, what was the fuss all about? A close friend mailed the whole series (e-books) to me and suggested to try them. I had hardly read the first chapter and I loved it so much that I went straight to crosswords to buy one. Then, it made me so addicted that I had to read the whole series.
As I child, I used to love reading ghost stories, watch scary movies and definitely loved scaring my brother. After reading about ghosts then I loved reading about the vampires, but it faded out as I grew up. These stories always fascinated me just by the thought that “how do they even come up with such themes?” It’s amazing to see how these authors create such exquisite fantasies, with an entirely new concept; exploring new heights with their ideas and making the whole world get lost in this new world of fantasies. This series has everything, some people might call it a teenager’s book, but it’s really nice. It makes you feel like a kid again. With million fans all over the globe, this series is surely a reader’s delight with a different understanding of the vampire world. It’s not only about vampires; it also has were-wolves and their co-existence in the human world.
I loved this series for its content, different species from were-wolves or vampires or normal human beings… everyone having qualities of their own. The best thing was it sets up a new trend in reading, after a long time. Vampires were out for some time now, but with this book they are back again with a new ‘avatar’ i.e. a good vampire as they are called “vegetarian vampires”. It was a different perspective with their desire to control themselves even if they knew they were weak than their human blood sucking counterparts. The author has tried to cover all the popular myths about the vampire world and justified them well with the content in the books. You will want to believe it, no matter how stupid it looks. It’s nice to get carried away for once and let the fantasy take you with it to those meadows where a new world of mysteries is waiting for you. This series offers you an insight in the supernatural world with their strengths and yet their weaknesses; and their survival in the human world.
The selection of the characters and their portrayal was just too good to believe. The characters made up by the author are so true to their character. The character sketch is just brilliant. The way story moves from one book to the next one, it just too captivating. I couldn’t keep my mind off, till I finished the whole series. But now that I am done with this series, I miss it big time.
Here are some highlights from the Twilight series:
Book 1:”Twilight” – this is where you will get too addicted to know more…. A silly little girl named Bella beginning a new life with her dad in a new place away from her mother. It includes all the aspirations, dreams and fears of a little girl going to high school. Her school, friends, and some mysterious people (Cullens)she gets attracted to. Her falling in love with a “vampire”, the mystery about him just keep her getting more and more closer to him. Her worst fears come true, when he leaves her. The narration is just wonderful.
Book 2:”New Moon” – It’s all about Bella dealing with the heartbreak and the beginning of her new friendship with Jacob. The story unfolds the secret of Jacob’s new identity – a “were-wolf”. During the whole book I was desperate for Edward to come back….. I rushed through the book as soon as I could because I wanted Edward to come back. I missed him so much in this one. And finally towards the end he comes back. Hence, make you more addicted to know what next?
Book 3:”Eclipse” – With Edward back, I had nothing to worry about. But things were different now. Bella gets torn between the love of her life (Edward) and her best friend (Jacob).The description of Victoria’s revenge for her soul mate’s death was brilliant. She attacks with an army of vampire newborns just to kill Bella. The best part was the companionship of the two deadliest enemies ‘were-wolves’ and ‘vampires’ to save Bella. It was just astounding to see how two enemies had joined hands to save someone fo their common interest. (I wish humans could do that).
Book 4:”Breaking Dawn” – This book has all the perfect shades of everything – it starts with all the happy things Bella could ask for - her marriage with Edward and the lovely honeymoon. Things go ugly when she realizes she is expecting as carrying a vampire child wouldn’t be easy or even possible for her human body. But her agonies to keep the child, and Edward wanting to destroy the child only because it would destroy Bella. The love of a mother for her unborn child even if she knows it’s a threat to her life is well described. Her bearing a half-human, half vampire child that could kill her was dangerously beautiful. And once the child is born, Bella is reborn as a vampire and a mother. Her life as a vampire is a journey in itself. She is thrilled with her new role of a mother and dotes on her daughter. The highest authority in the vampire world “Volturi” decides death sentence for the Cullens, for creating an immortal child. So Bella’s combat to save her daughter and her family from the Volturi’s is really commendable. The unknown power of a woman to save her child and her family, and the extend up to which she can go to save them is just brilliant.
Oops!!! It’s a long blog already. I hope you all will enjoy it.
As I child, I used to love reading ghost stories, watch scary movies and definitely loved scaring my brother. After reading about ghosts then I loved reading about the vampires, but it faded out as I grew up. These stories always fascinated me just by the thought that “how do they even come up with such themes?” It’s amazing to see how these authors create such exquisite fantasies, with an entirely new concept; exploring new heights with their ideas and making the whole world get lost in this new world of fantasies. This series has everything, some people might call it a teenager’s book, but it’s really nice. It makes you feel like a kid again. With million fans all over the globe, this series is surely a reader’s delight with a different understanding of the vampire world. It’s not only about vampires; it also has were-wolves and their co-existence in the human world.
I loved this series for its content, different species from were-wolves or vampires or normal human beings… everyone having qualities of their own. The best thing was it sets up a new trend in reading, after a long time. Vampires were out for some time now, but with this book they are back again with a new ‘avatar’ i.e. a good vampire as they are called “vegetarian vampires”. It was a different perspective with their desire to control themselves even if they knew they were weak than their human blood sucking counterparts. The author has tried to cover all the popular myths about the vampire world and justified them well with the content in the books. You will want to believe it, no matter how stupid it looks. It’s nice to get carried away for once and let the fantasy take you with it to those meadows where a new world of mysteries is waiting for you. This series offers you an insight in the supernatural world with their strengths and yet their weaknesses; and their survival in the human world.
The selection of the characters and their portrayal was just too good to believe. The characters made up by the author are so true to their character. The character sketch is just brilliant. The way story moves from one book to the next one, it just too captivating. I couldn’t keep my mind off, till I finished the whole series. But now that I am done with this series, I miss it big time.
Here are some highlights from the Twilight series:
Book 1:”Twilight” – this is where you will get too addicted to know more…. A silly little girl named Bella beginning a new life with her dad in a new place away from her mother. It includes all the aspirations, dreams and fears of a little girl going to high school. Her school, friends, and some mysterious people (Cullens)she gets attracted to. Her falling in love with a “vampire”, the mystery about him just keep her getting more and more closer to him. Her worst fears come true, when he leaves her. The narration is just wonderful.
Book 2:”New Moon” – It’s all about Bella dealing with the heartbreak and the beginning of her new friendship with Jacob. The story unfolds the secret of Jacob’s new identity – a “were-wolf”. During the whole book I was desperate for Edward to come back….. I rushed through the book as soon as I could because I wanted Edward to come back. I missed him so much in this one. And finally towards the end he comes back. Hence, make you more addicted to know what next?
Book 3:”Eclipse” – With Edward back, I had nothing to worry about. But things were different now. Bella gets torn between the love of her life (Edward) and her best friend (Jacob).The description of Victoria’s revenge for her soul mate’s death was brilliant. She attacks with an army of vampire newborns just to kill Bella. The best part was the companionship of the two deadliest enemies ‘were-wolves’ and ‘vampires’ to save Bella. It was just astounding to see how two enemies had joined hands to save someone fo their common interest. (I wish humans could do that).
Book 4:”Breaking Dawn” – This book has all the perfect shades of everything – it starts with all the happy things Bella could ask for - her marriage with Edward and the lovely honeymoon. Things go ugly when she realizes she is expecting as carrying a vampire child wouldn’t be easy or even possible for her human body. But her agonies to keep the child, and Edward wanting to destroy the child only because it would destroy Bella. The love of a mother for her unborn child even if she knows it’s a threat to her life is well described. Her bearing a half-human, half vampire child that could kill her was dangerously beautiful. And once the child is born, Bella is reborn as a vampire and a mother. Her life as a vampire is a journey in itself. She is thrilled with her new role of a mother and dotes on her daughter. The highest authority in the vampire world “Volturi” decides death sentence for the Cullens, for creating an immortal child. So Bella’s combat to save her daughter and her family from the Volturi’s is really commendable. The unknown power of a woman to save her child and her family, and the extend up to which she can go to save them is just brilliant.
Oops!!! It’s a long blog already. I hope you all will enjoy it.
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
Konkan…….. An Eloquent Experience…
I have been waiting to write about this for a very long time but things kept me so busy that I just couldn’t. Today finally I managed to finish it….read along and enjoy :)
It was early november last year, when we decided to go to explore the maharashtrian coastline known as Konkan. Driving force for this place was the love for traveling, great sea food and some quality time. So we decided to go to a place called “Sawantwadi” , a small village on the way to Goa. Planning the trip and end moment decisions just made it more exciting as we didn’t know what was waiting for us there. Was it worth it or not? So many questions and we had no answers just hope. We took an overnight bus from pune and reached Sawantwadi early morning. We had arranged for a home stay (popular concept by an organization known as Culture Aangan). When we reached we were received with a warm welcome by our hosts. I was spellbound, what a beautiful place! The cottage was naturally beautiful surrounded by a huge plantation. It felt exactly like I had taken some kind of “saniyas” hence, living in the middle of a jungle. It was exactly like a place I wanted to go for a very long time…..
I mean natural beauty, simplicity of the place and welcoming hosts….. I don’t think you need more than this for a memorable holiday. We had no idea it would be so good (I guess the less you expect and plan the more awesome it gets :P). You would just fall in love with the place if you want to spend some time in disguise and actually live for a while.
Everything in this place was just the basic requirement that you need, and life was so easy and simple. Once you enter the cottage, the ambience makes you feel at home. Everything organized, clean and well placed. Everything was in moderation, just sufficient, no over loading of the place, hence you will definitely find it gripping, you will definitely not want go back to the city crap (believe me I never wanted to). If you really want to feel good, just shutdown your laptop, switch off your phone and just enjoy the beauty of the place. It will cure you of all the poisons that the city is giving you.
Our trip was small but we made full use of it. We went to Amboli, Sindhudurg, Tarkarli and other near-by places. The beaches are clean with clear water (unlike other places I have been to), and no one bothers to bug you. Hence, making you feel comfortable at all levels. I will any day prefer such a location for a holiday that is secluded, quiet and peaceful, a place where you actually feel peaceful in your head. Where you don’t have to worry about the emails to reply or send or phone calls, or read newspapers, watch tv…. You will get some quality time, and believe me if you have a good company to go out with then there is nothing like this place to go out and explore. Plantation all over the place was a look to die for, with the sunrise in the morning and wood burning in the backyard to heat water, this early morning site will just leave you mesmerized.
Now the most important thing- “FOOD” – it was awesome. It was a pleasure to have a great cook as our host. She was awesome with whatever she made. Im a foodie, and an avid sea-food lover. I loved the types of fish and prawns I had there. All varieties (veg. as well as non veg.) and the malwani preparations of food and bakaris, wow…………… we used to have one meal and used to look forward for another one. You will be stuffed but you won’t want to stop and definitely would want more. It was after a long time I was hogging on food, it was so overwhelming. I have always loved travelling and exploring places, but I guess this has been an experience in itself.
After the trip I just realized that we should do this more often, as there cant be anything more de-toxifying, distressing and relaxing than this and the cozy home stay just made our stay superb hence making it one of the best memories I have ever had. I don’t want to stop writing about it but I guess it’s already a long blog.
Sometimes I wonder…..How life would have been, if things weren’t too complicated…. simple like the older times. When people were happy to be together, no one had to travel over the seas to get education or money. No one had a rat race to join and keep running throughout their life……..
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
"Tribute to my lovely Grandmother - Gia"
“When someone you love becomes a memory, the memory becomes a treasure”
How true, we never realize it as it’s hard to believe. Living in a mortal world we all know we will die one day, but just can’t believe until we lose someone close.
This blog is dedicated to my dearest and dear most grandmother (‘Gia’ as we called her) left for her heavenly abode on the 27 Dec. 09. I pray her soul rests in peace.
Just came back from her mourning a week back, I miss her immensely, just can’t believe she is not there. I still feel when I go back home I will see her, things will be normal again. If you have lost someone so dear to your heart, it’s difficult to believe that you have actually lost them…….. It’s so difficult to let things go…. I am trying but I guess I just can’t.
We (me and my little brother) have been very close to our grandmother, may be more than our parents, and may be because we spent most of our time with her. Our childhood memories are full of her. My home feels so incomplete without her. It just doesn’t feel right, there is no one to say bye to and hug and comfort that I will be back soon. I miss her blessings as if she has been living to see you grow up and do well in everything. I don’t know where to start, what to write, there are just too many things about her. I feel her all around me, all I have to do is to close my eyes – she is just there…… smiling at me, laughing, walking….
We called her ‘Gia’, don’t know why we called her that as it was so uncommon but as we grew older it started making sense to us. ‘Gia’ means ‘heart’ (in hindi), may be meaning someone very close to heart. So true to her name, she was very well close to us all. She has been our best buddy as long as I can remember. We troubled her with our pranks but she always doted on us way more than her own children. We have been so lucky to have her as our grandmother; she was the best, more than best I guess a perfect grandmother. During schooldays, I remember she used to wait till we came back from school and then have lunch until we were done. My brother being a disaster, he never used to finish lunch until Gia fed him herself…. Man she used to literally run after him for lunch. Believe me you can’t imagine how beautiful it was – selfless emotion so unique and pure in itself.
It was a beautiful relation we had with her, she pampered us and we pampered her. We introduced her to the world of Maggie, coke, chocolates….. and she loved chocolates. She was always cheerful, full of life, full time chatter box, always curious, but was very particular of our studies…. She never disturbed us when we studied. She used to be always on our side and protected us from the angry young man (dad of course). Sleeping in her cozy bed was always a delight and her bed time stories were just awesome. She used to tell us her childhood stories, abt her parents, their home, her siblings, her married life, kids and then us. We might have heard them like a million time but we never got enough of them. All over the night she used to keep covering us so that we don’t feel cold, I always wondered did she ever sleep at night.
This June she fell sick and suddenly she got old. Age starts showing on her… it was just hard to believe she had grown old. She stopped talking much, moving much, eating much and her memory was limited, she could remember only something for only some time. Now that she is not with us, we miss her. I just wish I had some more time to love her and take care of her. I can’t seem to get enough of her, all I wanted is a little more time, wish I could see her once more for the last time…….
May your soul rest in peace - Love you and miss you so much ‘Gia’
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